Aug 19, 2012

Praise for Caleb S Garcia

What people are saying about my blog

“Caleb is an aspiring writer in an age when everyone pretends to be a writer. So the fact that his talent is reflected in his blog puts it a notch above most. Kayleberty is arguably the best-written blog I read. It’s insightful, eloquent, and thought provoking. I highly recommend you all check it out!”
Christine Antonios (Blogger at Glass Onion)

Kayleberty: Caleb is a terrific writer and interviewer who chronicles his life as a recent UCI grad and who is now seeking his next big adventure, perhaps in film criticism.”
John G (of Just Luxe and Fat Scribe)

“I am honored, Caleb!”
Michael Mallory (Author of Marvel: The Characters...) on "Michael Mallory"

“This was at parts disturbing, original, and genius. Love it.”
John G (Co-creator of Just Luxe) on "Mystique by Beast"

“Excellent and insightful. Great use of quotes. The John Gray quotes about boys’ and girls’ source of self-esteem growing up is really spot on and great job paralleling that with the Garden!”
Kent Silveira (Animation Teacher) on "The Three Selves"

“It’s a shame you never wrote movie reviews for us - your insightful analysis and commentary on films would've done wonders to enhance the quality of our print. This makes me want to dish out the $10 to see the film.”
– Traci Lee (Blogger, Notes From a Coffee Shop) on "The Social Network"

“Always a treat to read your view. Keep it up.”
– Roxana Astemborski (Pepperdine U. grad) on "The Dark Knight Rises"

“The City does press clips and blogs every morning, and this blog entry is the sort of thing I would put into that PDF when I was in charge of that. There is a good chance this entry was read by some people in the City Manager’s office!”
– Melanie Glass (Blogger, As We Go) on "Sukhee Kang"

“You wrote this?! Quite inspiring and profound.”
– Dr. Ralph Winestock (Chiropractor ) on "The Boat Explorer"

“Excellent review for an excellent movie. A+” 
– Midgard Dragon (Blogger, WALL-E Forum) on "WALL-E"

“Very nice, Caleb. I like it, this especially: ‘A creation cannot give itself ultimate value, only the creator can.’…I like your version and the way you wrestle with the concept and give us a real life Hegelian dialectic. Like I said, nice.”
– John G (Co-creator of Just Luxe) on "Phil. of Creation"

“These Vampire Diaries posts of yours are excellent, and you should submit, and blog, and post to see what’ll happen.”
– John G (Co-creator of Just Luxe) on "V. Diaries 2.19"

“Well done! This is a really cool post.”
– Caitlin Antonios (High School Student) on "Spielberg Blog"

“I agree that fashion is a great conversational piece. A lot of times when I wanted to talk to a complete stranger and didn't know a clue to say, I just make some positive comment about an interesting article of clothing they were wearing.”
– David DeAngelo (Creator, Double Your Dating) comments on "Clothes Make the Man"

“Ron Paul? Never. Alan Keyes? I used to be a fan of his about 15 years ago, but today, he has gone off of the rails in the worst way. I've met him a few times, decent fellow.”
– Publius Maxiumus (Writer, C-SPAN) comments on "Diversity in the Obama Era"